Pediatra archivos - Centro Diagnostico Familiar Emmanuel

Team Category: Pediatra

Opening Time

Lunes   8.00 AM – 5:00 pm
Martes 8.00 AM– 12.00 pm
Jueves 8.00 AM– 5.00 PM
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Centro Diagnostico

Cedes Punta Cana

Call : +(809) 795-6791
Mail :
Address : Centro medico CEDES Punta Cana, Bavaro, RD 23000

Pediatra en el Centro Diagnostico

Dra Kerennical has done Basic and Advanced training in Reproductive Medicine and IVF- Homerton University hospital London UK. He is an active member of London Fertility Society and has helped in conducting workshops in IFS conference.

  • Pediatria
  • Embryology
  • Doctor of Medicine, University of texas, USA (1990)
  • Medical Orientation Program, St. Louis University (St. Louis, Missouri 1996)
  • 15 Years of experience in medicine

Recommended Colleague Doctors

Doctor Moto

Health & Wellness For Everyone

He strongly believes in ethical practice and ensures that patients become a part of the decision making process of individualized treatment protocols best suited for them.

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Cedes Punta Cana